Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Erik Hanberg Lecture Thoughts

If i were to be completely honest in assessing/summarizing Hanberg's discussion with us, I'd have to say it was super helpful.  Like you could tell the dude has been through some shit and has seen all the highs and lows of working as an entrepreneur.  Just to highlight a few of my favorite points he discussed....

-You gotta work.  Everyone has ideas, but an entrepreneur is the man that follows through and makes it a business.  With this point, I really took to heart that to really make it, you need to work you ass off.  Like what he said about cutting out T.V. time because the average person watches 40 hours of T.V. a week and that is like a full time job.  Granted people do need to unwind because too much work will cause the person to off himself in the bathroom with a .357 and painkillers.

-Enjoy the work.  If you don't like what you are doing, then it isn't going to work out.  'nuff said.

-the 3 standard questions to ask before you get into something.  do you want to do it?  does it pay what you want it to pay?  does it further your career?  if you can say yes to 2 out of the 3 then do it.

I also like what he told me when i asked him about working for free.  Combined with the professor's input, i should be able to make some sound decisions.

Monday, January 20, 2014

3 Business Ideas

This is a little odd for me to post on because i already have a business.  That being said, there are still a couple other ideas i had if the opportunity presented itself.

Business no. 1 - Pain in the Glass Productions
This one is straight forward because for the most part i know what i am doing (not really) and i already got it started.  I already have my camera and i am working prosumer for clients.  The thing is, Yelm is such a small town, i don't think there are any other prosumer video/photo producers out there, -- or at least they are not advertised.  That being said, i do not limit myself to just Yelm, i expand as far north to seattle, and south to olympia.  At this point i am really focused on gaining a larger audience and clientele.  If anything, i am using the business to build a portfolio for another job.

Business no. 2 - A band
Bands can be a business as well.  This is one of those ideas that i will only take if the opportunity presents itself.  I spent a long time trying to start this with no avail, but i would still like this to happen.  Technically, all i really need is another guitarist/singer.  there is a large market for it here i would assume because seattle and tacoma are like a mecca for bands to make it.  again, it is one of those baskets where i probably only have 1 or 2 eggs in.

Business no. 3 - a shooting range in Yelm.
Why this has not happened yet i do not know.  We don't even have a gun shop, yet we have more guns than people in this town.  Tacoma is a pain in the ass to drive up to for the nearest gun range (really the best one).  I figure there is competition, but because there is no form of proximity towards any of them, it won't be a problem.  This is merely a fun idea to think about, but if i ever get the money in the future, it'd be nice to make this happen.

Monday, January 13, 2014

My Expectations for TINST 475 (Entrepreneurship)

Having a business of my own doing video production, i have decided to take this class to help me better understand my business and the choices i have to make.  For instance do i need to copyright anything, do i need to form an LLC etc.  there is tons about the business world that i am unaware of.  When i first wanted to start video production i just thought making videos would be the right career choice for me.  I had no idea about the business aspect and soon realized that i needed some help if i wanted to make this thing work.  I guess I'm already ahead of the class in terms of having a business of my own, and having business cards and some clientele.  But as far as everything else goes, i am nearly clueless.  I would love to say finitely what my expectations are but the problem is, I'm unaware of what is available to me and the choices i need to make.  Hopefully the professor can help with that.  To end this blog, maybe it is appropriate that i just say, "i want to take this suckling piglet that is my business and turn it into the county fair's award winning sow."